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LIFE CHURCH Tithe and Giving

And More

Something for Everyone

Altar Ministry

Pastor Marty Morelli

1-on-1 prayer with people at the altar.

Bereavement Ministry

Peggy Icker

Provides meals for family immediately

following a funeral/memorial service.

Bus Ministry

Pastor Mark

Taking a bus and vans into

the community and bringing

people into the church that

may not have otherwise

been able to make it.

Compassion Ministry

Contact Shut-Ins, those

recently released from the

hospital, to give needed 



First contact people have

with LIFE Church. Greet each

person at the door with a

smile and a handshake.

Honor Bound

Don Ewart

Honor Bound Motorcycle Ministry.

House of Hope

Tom Madak

Provide food for those in

need in our community on

Tues. & Thurs. from 10-12.

Jail Ministry

Ken Jayne

Distibute Christian books and mentor 


Joseph Storehouse

Church Office

Benevolence to those in our 



Church Office

Offers informative non-fiction and 

fiction media materials for all ages 

at NO charge.

Men’s Ministry

Bill Bibler

Develop a Christian bond

among the men of LIFE

Church (Meets 2nd Saturday 

at 8am).

Nursery Ministry

Christie Anne LoGiudice

Loving care for children

under 3 years old for all


Nursing Home Ministry

Pastor Marty Morelli

Ministers through song and

prayer with residents of

local nursing homes every 3rd

Thursday of the month.

Pre School

Mel Woodard

Ministering to children ages

3-5 through music, stories,

prayer, and loving care.

Prayer & Bible Study

Group Lead

Meet for intercessory prayer and 

Bible Study on Monday at 1 PM.

Special Event Team

Patti Everhart

Oversees the preparation and

organization of all church-wide 


Strong Enough

Caesar Geiger

Ministry to our senior adult singles.

Sunday School

Kathy Bass

Meets every Sunday morning 

at 9AM to learn God’s word 

and to grow spiritually 

(All Ages).


Take up the offering and be the 

gate-keepers of LIFE Church.

Ladies of LIFE (LOL)


To reach, disciple, build up,

& train women to abundantly

live in victory everyday by

the transforming power of

Jesus Christ.

4001 Picciola Road, Fruitland Park, Florida 34731 

Phone: 352-787-7962